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Social Action Committee

The mission of the Social Action Committee of CBI is to promote projects that help foster a spirit of tikkun olam (“repairing the world”) through reciprocal acts of kindness that aide everyone involved to practice mitzvot (“good deeds”). These projects stress social action rather than social advocacy of any ideological persuasion. Members of the Social Action Committee will help suggest, design, and implement tikkun olam projects which have been approved by the committee as a whole.

CBI delivered 41 weeks' of Food Backpacks to Summit Drive Elementary School during the 2023-2024 school year. These Backpacks provided weekend nourishment to 25 children from financially challenged families who were selected by the school's Guidance Counselor every week. This was paid for by a grant from The Isermann Family Foundation and we will also be providing meals during the 2024-2025 school year.

Community Outreach


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785